Tuesday, July 31, 2007

More Thoughts on 2.0 (Spoiler Alert: Segue to Soapbox)

The 2.0 librarian "...builds Weblogs and wikis as resources to further the mission of the library", that is where I get hung-up. Trying to visualize how and where these tools can be utilized with our constituency. We're doing the blog which I think has been met positively; however to some degree I fear we're waaaaay over estimating our clientele, and any student that has the savvy/interest for this type of 2.0 activity is little interested in the library...

How to get to them? How to combat the arrogance of youth in their (quasi) intellectual conviction?

Start by not belittling, perhaps?

But how to proceed, when many seem mentally stunted by pop culture as well as paralyzed by not wanting to risk either "looking stupid" by asking questions or "looking smart" by expressing any opinion or, really, trying to distinguish themselves at all in this abysmal culture of consumer lemmings... Ugh.

Hi, can I please get a word of encouragement and hope here?

1 comment:

Kate Wells said...

Oh I wish I could give you some hope. It just recalls for me my first BI session which I had tailored to my audience by using what I thought to be very hip and fun searches. The lemmings gave me dirty looks as if to suggest that my attempts to reach them at their own level had hit a new low of lame. Either that or they were just totally confused by all of my references.